Monthly Archives: March 2018

1.7 DigiTopia – The Energy TRIPLE

The term energy is used for many things and therefore can not be explained clearly. For technicians it is something tangible – namely the provision of a service over a certain period of time. For example, if you drive for 30 hours with a car of 30 kW, then you have consumed 30 kW /

Annihilation – Resources

Annihilation – content summary A meteorite impact brings with it extraterrestrial structures. A lighthouse is surrounded by a mysterious field (AreaX). Kane is the only survivor from eleven expeditions. He can not remember anything and has multiple organ failure. His wife Lena was in the army and is now a professor of molecular biology. She

1.6 DigiTopia – Cultural Code in the Digital

The coexistence of man has made him what he is – a social being. In linguistic, communicative exchange, common values and ideas can be socialized. Not only the one with the other determines the way of living together, but also very strongly the respective environment. So there are other behaviors and abilities when living as

1.5 DigiTopia – Big Data

From data to information Despite the rapid pace of digitization, reading books is still part of their lives for many people. Especially after a stressful day or on vacation you can relax by reading. You have a book in your hand, read a piece again, digress with your thoughts or are very concentrated. No matter