Category: Consciousness

Chengdu – Reality and Imaginary

A Two-Way Movement After a strong and also successful working day in the car on the way home. Relaxation occurs and a slightly meditative state occurs. I drive along the road like on a line  through  landscape. Suddenly I have the feeling not only to drive in one direction, but at the same time to

Plato meets Buddha at Mount Emei

Tourism, Spirituality and High-Tech in Central China The roots of Buddhism lie in today’s India. Its emergence can be seen as a reaction to the secularization of Hinduism. The Hindu priestly caste led a feudal rule and exploited the population. Groups of skeptics were convinced that one can never experience the reality as it was

Our Story

A thinking being, it could be a human, deals with its environment and feels a connection with a larger whole. Inexplicable phenomena are attributed to a well-known mental power, it could be God. Very strong influence today has the digital technology on our lives. This changes the culture, the consciousness and also our mental abilities.

Assumptions about dilemmas

A human (agent) is in a dilemma when he is forced by an external or internal compulsion to make a decision, the outcome of which has already been determined from the outset. If the result is positive, we speak of a “constructive dilemma”. In most cases, the term dilemma is associated with a negative outcome.