Posts byManfred Litzlbauer

The negative entropy of the corona pandemic

Resilence of Systems

The lock down, at least in its acute phase, restricted personal freedom and thus changed life. Mouthguards, keeping a distance and quarantine were uncomfortable. The probability of getting the virus was still low. In the decaying phase it was extremely difficult to meet an infected person.  Nevertheless, the media continue to speak of an epochal

Black Mirror 5.1 Fidelity & Cheating

Loyalty is a term that often plays a decisive role in relationships. Catholic couples made the promise at their marriage: I accept you as my husband (wife), I will love you, respect you and honor all the days of my life, in good days and in bad days, in health and sickness. Until that death

Artemis 0.0 A systemic approach in AI

Prologue Hardly any technological development has led to as many discussions as the development of AI systems. Especially since Google has succeeded in bringing a learning system to the level of a human go player. Technological advances have been made in the meantime. The mathematical foundations were created. Not least by the Austrian Sepp Hochreiter

Chengdu – Reality and Imaginary

A Two-Way Movement After a strong and also successful working day in the car on the way home. Relaxation occurs and a slightly meditative state occurs. I drive along the road like on a line  through  landscape. Suddenly I have the feeling not only to drive in one direction, but at the same time to

Emergence -70 years of the People’s Republic

Spiritual derivations from the parade at Tian’anmen Square One is obvious, the parade at Tian’anmen Square on October 1, 2019 was a demonstration of power. The television stations worldwide have reported on it in their news, each at the best airtime. It was mainly about the military part of the parade. Armament experts are able

Plato meets Buddha at Mount Emei

Tourism, Spirituality and High-Tech in Central China The roots of Buddhism lie in today’s India. Its emergence can be seen as a reaction to the secularization of Hinduism. The Hindu priestly caste led a feudal rule and exploited the population. Groups of skeptics were convinced that one can never experience the reality as it was

American Gods 2.4 The Greatest Story Ever-Told “Money-Power-War”

The greatest story of humanity is that of money claims Mr. Wednesday; “Money is not a piece of paper, but a story. You have heard a hundred times. It has been taught you that it is worth it no matter in which country in which culture or in which religion. The whole world loves money

American Gods 2.3 Muninn – What gods need!

The needs of gods can be reduced to three main requirements. They expect homage, need information and must be able to work. These very human needs arose from our ideas about gods. Effectiveness: In the transition from the second to the third episode, Mr. Wednesday staged a collision between a stationary car and a moving train. This situation

American Gods 2.2 The Beguiling Man – The train leaves

After the murder of Zorya, Mr. Wednesday swore revenge. The train is rolling. A war between the old and the new gods seems inevitable. Shadow was captured on behalf of Mr. World. He is being interrogated and tortured by Mr. Town. Shadow: “Where am I?” It’s not the question “WHERE YOU ARE” but “WHY YOU

American Gods 2.1 The House on the Rock – The British Commons Drive Carousel

The old gods fear for their power. That’s why Mr. Wednesday invited his colleagues to a meeting at the House on the Rock. However, not everyone came by far. Wednesday: “That’s enough to ignite the fire“. Laura Moon and Bilquist, who were not invited, came anyway. One might think that Mr. Wednesday does not trust

American Gods the intermediate gods

Neil Gaiman already wrote the novel American Gods in 2001 and described the current global economic system in an almost clairvoyant way. In fact, today there is a trade war between the USA, Europe and China. The rest of the world does not play a special role. The novel takes place in North America and

    Leadership under the aspects of diversity and participation

    In all probability, “leadership” will change fundamentally in the coming years. The first signs of this are already noticeable. There is hardly a congress that does not address hypocritical issues such as mindfulness, disruption, influencers, agile organization, etc. But this alone will not change anything. The real upheavals will take place in the technological environment,

    2019 – The Year of Probability

    Nobody knows if the Brexit is beneficial for anyone or if it only brings disadvantages. The experts believe that it will “probably” have a negative impact on everyone involved. No matter in which field you move today, there is no more collateral. It is therefore traded with probabilities. These probabilities have already found their way

    The Christ Child – unintentionally but inevitably

    Yes – we all know it. It was in Galilea in year 0. A young Jewish couple, not married but in love. Extra-marital sexual intercourse has led to pregnancy. Of course, this was a no-go in the Jewish culture of the time – as it is still today among fundamentalist supporters of any religion. It

    1.11 DigiTopia – Evolution of the Digital

    The theory of evolution is proven to be one of the most studied scientific findings. The essential prerequisites for evolutionary processes are: time and randomness. Viable and reproducing systems are very stable, but always make small mistakes in the reproduction process. These affect the new parts (offspring). It could then be the case that they

    Prologue to Black Mirror

    The Netflix TV series Black Mirror deals with the consequences of digitization in a critical and satirical way. Already at the beginning of the first season in 2014, various everyday topics were examined against the background of digitization. The conclusions drawn from this always led to a dystopian world. The plot is always created the

    Black Mirror 4.6. Black Museum

    Values: reflection The episode 4.6. differs enormously from all previous broadcasts. In Black Museum, the producers make a reflection on themselves, so a self-referential representation. The presentation will take place in a museum of the future. In particular, futuristic, technical props are shown. It is pointed to their not shown properties and relationships. So the

    Black Mirror 4.5. Metalhead

    Values: thought experiment Episode 4.5 shows dog-like programmed metal creatures. They look like a futuristic crash helmet – hence the name “Metalhead”. Obviously, their only job is to kill people. But they are well equipped, heavily armed, extremely mobile and equipped with a radar scanner. We see the fight for survival of Mrs. Bella. Ultimately

    Black Mirror 4.4. Hang the DJ | Values: love

    Everybody wants to be loved, to be happy and to be in love every once in a while. What is this what we call love? A definition might not be that easy because so much has been written, sung and acted on it. My personal definition, which is also the basis for this analysis, is:

    Black Mirror 4.3. Crocodile

    Values: Engrams In the episode 4.3 we are again shown a completely new digital device. It is the so-called Recaller with which it is possible to retrieve the memories of a person from the outside. This makes it possible to bring all that a person remembers right now to a display. A device that is

    Black Mirror 4.2. Arkangel

    Values: helicopter parents Episode 4.2 starts with a scene from a delivery room. There, Maria Sabrell awaits the birth of her child. The expectant mother already knows that it is a cesarean section. The birth proceeds as far as the circumstances are normal. The child already in the world, the umbilical cord cuts BUT no

    Black Mirror 4.1. USS Callister

    Values: God like The intro to the TV series “Spaceship Enterprise” from 1966 became world famous: “The space, endless spaces. It’s the year 2200. These are the adventures of the Starship Enterprise, with its 400-man crew for 5 years exploring new worlds, new lives and new civilizations. Many light-years from Earth, the Enterprise invades galaxies

    Black Mirror 3.6. Hated in the Nation

    Values: The solution becomes a problem Not the human being with 7.5 billion inhabitants and 0.4 billion tons is the dominant life form on this earth, but it is the insects with a biomass of 0.9 billion tons. With the myriad of different insects, it is the bees that are most familiar to us. Although

    Black Mirror 3.5 Men Against Fire

    Values: Mental Filters – Valuations, Illusions and Realities People living peacefully in a village are invaded by a human-like species. These creatures are referred to as cockroaches in the episode. Maybe because they steal food. Their appearance is not very aesthetic, distorted faces, red eyes, neglected teeth, etc. No wonder the government decides to hire

    Black Mirror 3.4. San Junipero

    The digital promise of salvation Never before has the world changed as dramatically as in the last 50 years. In the past, people have died mainly from illness, terrorism and the consequences of the war. Today more people are dying from traffic accidents, sugar consumption and drug use. It is therefore understandable that cultures in

    Black Mirror 3.3. Shut up and dance

    Dependency, coercion and blackmail This cannot happen to me: “I will not steal a car, rob a bank, murder anyone and certainly not commit suicide”. I dare to say that of myself, as long as I can always act consciously and voluntarily. Even if we are convinced, we cannot always do that. Many of our

    Black Mirror 3.2. Playtest

    Black Mirror 3.2. Playtest The shadow of the soul This episode was supposed to be about a game test. This is just the obvious story of something very deep. In fact, these are repressed experiences, usually of a negative nature. Something like this has happened to us many times before. We are in a situation

    Black Mirror 3.1 “Nosedive”

    Werte: Mentaler Absturz Also the episode 3.1 from Black Mirror shows a dystopian future. In social fiction, social media has permeated all areas of life. You can only see people who have a smartphone in their hands and evaluate other people. So as we are today products, hotels, bike rides, etc. with up to five

    Black Mirror 2.4 “White Christmas”

    Values: Consciousness Cloning The first scene of the episode shows two men in a hut on a Christmas Eve. Both are likely to have known each other for a long time, supposedly for five years – but have barely talked to each other. In particular, it may be Joe who is extremely vociferous, while the

    Black Mirror 2.3 “The Waldo Moment”

    Values: Populismus Classical music, as composed by Bach, Gershwin or Glass, is very demanding and is understood by only a few people worldwide. Either one understands the music and therefore loves it or vice versa, one loves it and then begins to understand it. An entirely different kind of music was made by Elvis Presley,

    Black Mirror 2.2 White Bear

    Values: Third Person The protagonist plays a nameless young woman who cannot remember anything and also does not know who she is anymore. She detects signs of injury on her wrist and sees tablets lying on the floor. The assumption is obvious that she has survived a suicide attempt – but she is not sure.

    Black Mirror 2.1 “Be Right Back”

    Values: Death and Dying Martha and Ash are a young couple who seems happy – it seems – to live together. While Martha is very relationally oriented, Ash has difficulties with it. He spends a lot of time with and in social networks. Ash often does not react. When preparing the lunch is again such

    Black Mirror 1.3 “The entire History of YOU”

    Values: Transparency – Curse or Blessing? Whenever corrupt events occur in the public administration, at least the political opposition demands “full transparency” and education. In Austria, a parliamentary committee of inquiry is set up. Like the examples of Finance Minister K.H. Grasser, the purchase of the interceptor or the BUWOG affair show, this institution has

    Black Mirror 1.2 “Fifteen Million Merits”

    Values: Do we go daft with digitization? In Black Mirror Episode 1.2 “Fifteen Million Merits” we experience a dystopian world generated by digitization. Obviously it’s not our planet, but he could be. The people living there are all equally attracted and all pursue a uniform activity. You drive for days on your home trainer and

    Black Mirror 1.1 “The Will of the People”

    Values: The Dilemma In the Netflix series “Black Mirror” in episode 1.1 the English Prime Minister is woken up by his staff by phone at night. He is told that the Princess Susanna has been kidnapped and is connected with blackmail. The kidnappers demand that the Prime Minister practice sex with a pig in front

    Our Story

    A thinking being, it could be a human, deals with its environment and feels a connection with a larger whole. Inexplicable phenomena are attributed to a well-known mental power, it could be God. Very strong influence today has the digital technology on our lives. This changes the culture, the consciousness and also our mental abilities.

    Acceptance of digitization

    Digitization is understood to mean: The transcoding of the analog real world into a binary representation. Essential elements are the code converters. Analog-digital is done by a smart meter, for example. Digital analog, the electricity bill is generated by a printer. The data is processed locally and directly at the location of the event. Sensors,

    Assumptions about dilemmas

    A human (agent) is in a dilemma when he is forced by an external or internal compulsion to make a decision, the outcome of which has already been determined from the outset. If the result is positive, we speak of a “constructive dilemma”. In most cases, the term dilemma is associated with a negative outcome.

    Acceptance of values

    Values are characteristics of material goods, psychosocial characteristics and spiritual attitudes. These properties arise in the area of tension between “difficult to get” and “urgently needed”. The more difficult something is and the more urgent it is, the more valuable it seems. Drinking water in the Sahara is essential for survival, so it is urgently

    Assumptions about culture

    Culture determines the coexistence of people. This is expressed in behaviours, common activities and by all supported ideas. In most cases, these are linked to standards and regulations, which are rarely available in writing. The Code is transmitted orally from generation to generation. As a result, culture was limited to a geographical area and one

    Acceptance of Chaos

    Chaos is one of several possible states that a system can take. From a system-theoretical point of view, this is nothing unusual, but usually something unpleasant and possibly even dangerous for humans. A system always consists of components and connections. It could be a social system of people, a technical system like internet or an

    Assumption about awareness

    Awareness arises when a cognitive system can distinguish between two events. It could be a cause that triggers an effect. The recognizing system must have the necessary computing power and the algorithms to do so. The human brain has the required computing power and the algorithms are learned throughout life. If one of the two

    Values: The development

    People have the same, but also very different, attitudes towards their environment. For some, products and works of art are very important, for others, relationships and friendships, and for others, the spiritual is of the utmost importance. Three essential fields of meaning can be derived from this – the material, the psychosocial and the spiritual

    1.10 DigiTopia – Relativism

    The term reality became known through the scientific work of the “general and special theory of relativity” by Albert Einstein. Since then we know that time passes in dependence / relative to speed. In this context, Einstein has also proved that the speed of light is something absolute and otherwise can not spread faster. In

    Altered Carbon 1.2 – Murder in the wedding night

    War and Peace Content A young woman is found dead in a lake Kristin Ortega continues to observe Kovac without permission POE, the AI receptionist, is playing poker Lawrence Bancroft can´t remember his billion dollar deal Takeshi finds Lissi caught in a trauma loop Kristin’s mother, a strict Catholic, believes in the life of her

    1.9 DigiTopia – Navigation

    What3Words The American physicist and future philosopher Michio Kaku has presented a special awareness level model. This includes only the three stages: spatial awareness, social awareness, preconcitive awareness. Already very simple creatures – starting with the insects and reptiles – are able to orient themselves in space, but at least in the area. For every

    1.8 DigiTopia – IoT

    Internet awareness When we discuss the question of whether the Internet already has a consciousness or could ever achieve it, we need to understand the structure of the system. At the same time, we should note that the phenomenon of “awareness” is still under-researched. A few basic assumptions can be made about it. As a

    Altered Carbon 1.1 – Golden Poison

    Perception Content All Envoys are dead except one Takeshi Kovac is serving a life sentence Not as a body, but only with his consciousness, the stake After 250 years, he is brought back and gets a new body, the sleeve He is hired by the great industrialist Lawrence Bancroft to solve his own murder He

    1.7 DigiTopia – The Energy TRIPLE

    The term energy is used for many things and therefore can not be explained clearly. For technicians it is something tangible – namely the provision of a service over a certain period of time. For example, if you drive for 30 hours with a car of 30 kW, then you have consumed 30 kW /

    Annihilation – Resources

    Annihilation – content summary A meteorite impact brings with it extraterrestrial structures. A lighthouse is surrounded by a mysterious field (AreaX). Kane is the only survivor from eleven expeditions. He can not remember anything and has multiple organ failure. His wife Lena was in the army and is now a professor of molecular biology. She