
Get rid of the fear!

  1. Trade Federation blocks Naboo
  2. Negotiations between Qui-Gon / Obi-Wan and Viceroy Gunray fail
  3. Only the moment is the reality
  4. Darth Sidious orders Amidala to kill
  5. Jedis save in Naboo Jar Jar Binks
  6. Queen Amidala is captured and released
  7. Not Landing on Tatooine – bet with scrap dealer Watto
  8. Anakin wins pod race
  9. Anakin has extremely high Midi-Chlorian values
  10. On Coruscant, Palpatine becomes the new Chancellor
  11. The Gungans and Naboos unite
  12. Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon Jinn
  13. Anakin destroys the reactor of the control ship
  14. This will interrupt the power supply
  15. Yoda: fear to untold suffering
  16. Anakin becomes Padawan of Obi-Wan

Fear is an essential survival strategy for mammals. It enables us to recognize dangerous situations and avoid them in the sense of life support. There are programs such as escape and dead spots available. In today’s democratic societies, the struggle for daily, bare survival no longer exists. Nevertheless, people are always afraid. Afraid of not getting something or losing something. Usually these are not life-threatening conditions, which is why anxiety is not a correct reaction. Fear causes mind and body to focus only on survival. This leaves no capacity for everything else. So if you live in fear, you can not develop further. So for the development of power, it is the first essential step to eliminate fear as much as possible. Also and especially in dangerous situations you need a clear head.


From a spiritual point of view, the entire Star Wars saga is due to the concept of power. But you only know that it consists of a light and a dark side. Obviously, the Jedi represent one side and the Sith the other side. Sometimes these two sides are also called good and evil. However, these polar points depend on where you are. The own is then the good and the other would then be the evil.

The individual Star Wars episodes are dramaturgically designed to trace the path of power development. Many great thinkers have already shattered the topic of power – from the ancient philosophers to George Lucas.

In the Upper Italian Middle Ages it was Niccolo Machiavelli with the book “The Prince”. Recently, another book describing the 48 Laws of Power appeared with the author of Robert Greene. In Star Wars, the evolution of power in each episode is as follows:

Episode 1 – The Dark Menace – deals specifically with anxiety. There is the legendary saying of Master Yoda as the young Anakin is tested by him. Fear, he says, is the path to the dark side. “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to untold suffering. ”

The spiritual reference to these are the four noble truths of Buddhism.

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