New Gods

Come to Jesus – Disruption & Economy

In all martial conflicts, the issue was and is about power. So to have the possibility to be able to pass through the will of others even without its consent. Obviously, Odin sees his power dwindling and mobilizes his godmother friends for a war. Wednesday elsewhere: “If they no longer believe in you, then you are forgotten”. Scientific findings followed by their technological application up to industry 4.0 have replaced many beliefs. Once there are only more fragments (Czernobog) left, another time they are converted to modern media (Bilquis).

When Neil Gaiman wrote the book “American Gods” in 2001, only a very few people were aware that a techno-cultural revolution was imminent. The digital development was predicted by many so, but that it is really so fast, has nevertheless surprised. In fact, it is the digital technology that disrupts all ecosystems (disruption). The fundamentals of the economy seem to be as if they had been lifted. The “old economy” no longer works. New systems are emerging – but they have not yet manifested themselves. The first season is also very clear. We know very well about the ancient gods such as Odin, Czernobog, Bilquis, Ibis, Zorya, etc. The new gods – Technical Boy, Media and Mr. World – have comparatively little in common. The producers of the first season have already reacted to the current situation anyway. Bilquis gets and accepts from the Technical Boy a Smartphone for Smart Dating. For the next season, I expect a massive reversal of the weighting. I would like to know how the culture of the new gods develops as a “loop”.

Old ECO: Fossil energy – raw materials – work

The availability of resources is the most important power factor. Should these disappear, this also entails a loss of power. The most important resources in the “Old ECO” are raw materials, energy and labor. In ancient times it was workers who were needed to build pyramids and which were robbed of their own by other tribes. Not so different from the African slaves in the 18th century in America. Industrialization needed both labor and raw materials. Their procurement is subsequently known under colonialization. Energy was extracted from fossil raw materials for a century, which ultimately led to a CO2 surplus in the atmosphere. Nuclear power plants have not proved to be particularly effective.

New ECO: Solar Energy – Matter Information

Whenever resources are declining, power struggles and armed conflict begin. But what if today’s most important sources are no longer needed? Then hardly anyone will go to war. This was also the reason why Mr. World said Wednesday: “We are not at war.” The New ECO no longer needs the resources of the ancients. Energy is almost inexhaustible from the sun. The Technical Boy invents new energy conversion and storage devices. Work is done by robots and thinking of AI; Only a small number of people / jobs are needed. What it does, however, is data and information. These, just like energy, are almost inexhaustible to calculate and store. Products are made from standardized materials via 3D printers. There is nothing to be taken from the ancient gods. It is only the insignificance which worries Odin. Therefore in the 8th episode a rebelling with the help of Ostoria. Instead of spring, she brings on command Odin’s drought and death instead of color and life. That, Wednesday is convinced, makes people believe again.

American Gods 1.8

Technology and culture are a perpetual, reciprocal feedback loop. A technology is developing because the cultural prerequisites exist. The resulting production techniques, in turn, have an effect on culture. There is always a new technology and an old culture. The social system is the slowest. If you want to remove the current situation from these endless loops – a snapshot – you will see four steps for a cultural change. Wednesday: “People create gods when they wonder why things happen and things happen because gods care for them.”

1. ECO Disruption: The resources of the existing system are no longer needed. There is also no one willing to fight for it. The Americans were twice in Iraq. No one goes to Syria. The Germans have emerged from nuclear power. Whether an industry 4.0 in China or in Switzerland stands, is no matter if you do not need any manpower. There is no need for a law to abolish the cash – that goes away anyway. Mr. World: “Whether we are fighting or not, you lose anyway and die either way.”

2. Anxiety: Today’s Western culture is characterized by performance. Those who are young, strong, intelligent and work more than others have success (work harder). For that one can then already afford a luxury like home, car, stock depot and much more. Possession is status. The success of the company results from a tight, controlled, mostly authoritarian leadership, which sits on a hierarchy. Exactly this culture is now coming together with the New ECO. Startups generate seemingly out of now millions of sales. They have no particular organizational form, but are networked. Personally, they have little property. It is sufficient if they have access rights. And this success without the old resources. That makes fear and there you have something to do about it – because Wednesday is already right? Technical Boy to Wednesday: “They are shit old. Things will never be the same as they once were. Times are changing and they can´t stop progress “.

3. Faith: Over time, people get used to the new production techniques and begin to believe in them. New behaviors are thus created. Now is the tenth anniversary of Steve Jobs presenting the iPhone. Using smartphones has made it possible to work mobile. Within ten years, iPhone & CO has become a culture and nobody is more afraid of it. Wednesday to the new: “What you offer is the avoidance of existence – it offers a product, an innovative diversion, you reinvent it again and again, it always offers again”.

4. Cultural Shift: The more anxiety fades and confidence increases, the more people take new behaviors. They do it because it makes life easier, more comfortable, safer, etc.. But also because the “Media” promises them. The same behavior of more and more people – over a longer period – then produces culture. But there are always those who remain committed to the old tradition. Also, which then belong to several cultures – folk dance and cyberwar play. This shift was made by Ostara, the goddess of life and rebirth. Media to her: “You are a goddess that is again new. This is religious Darwinism – adapt and survive. You should be glad that anybody else believes in anything that has no screen.”

Tell the faithful and the unbelievers: “We have taken the spring from them, they can return it when they pray for it?” With this and with the now faithful Shadow, we go into the second season.

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