Monthly Archives: June 2018

Black Mirror 1.2 “Fifteen Million Merits”

Values: Do we go daft with digitization? In Black Mirror Episode 1.2 “Fifteen Million Merits” we experience a dystopian world generated by digitization. Obviously it’s not our planet, but he could be. The people living there are all equally attracted and all pursue a uniform activity. You drive for days on your home trainer and

Black Mirror 1.1 “The Will of the People”

Values: The Dilemma In the Netflix series “Black Mirror” in episode 1.1 the English Prime Minister is woken up by his staff by phone at night. He is told that the Princess Susanna has been kidnapped and is connected with blackmail. The kidnappers demand that the Prime Minister practice sex with a pig in front

Our Story

A thinking being, it could be a human, deals with its environment and feels a connection with a larger whole. Inexplicable phenomena are attributed to a well-known mental power, it could be God. Very strong influence today has the digital technology on our lives. This changes the culture, the consciousness and also our mental abilities.

Acceptance of digitization

Digitization is understood to mean: The transcoding of the analog real world into a binary representation. Essential elements are the code converters. Analog-digital is done by a smart meter, for example. Digital analog, the electricity bill is generated by a printer. The data is processed locally and directly at the location of the event. Sensors,