American Gods 2.4 The Greatest Story Ever-Told “Money-Power-War”


The greatest story of humanity is that of money claims Mr. Wednesday; “Money is not a piece of paper, but a story. You have heard a hundred times. It has been taught you that it is worth it no matter in which country in which culture or in which religion. The whole world loves money – the biggest story ever told “. Mr. Money represents the money and is “the most influential god in America.”

In their joint mission Shadow and Wednesday need money again and again. In the first season, they have smartly robbed a bank. But it seems that they are broke again. They can barely pay for their consumption at the rest area. Neither has a credit card. In a country where cash payment is the exception.

Mr. World introduces them to the world of fintech: “There are no more fives and tens, it’s not about gold anymore. There are just more zeros and ones, digitized and encrypted. They are sent through fiber optic cables at lightning speed to accounts at banks that are purely virtual”.  Due to the approaching war, the leaders of both sides are looking for money.

So, you are not spared the way to the bank. You need a loan. Lots of money to provide enough resources. Wednesday explains the lucrative business to banker Mr. Money: “A war is always profitable, and nothing moves more people than anything else. It kindles passion and the more passionate you are, the more you spend”.

Mr. Money is not ready to finance this war. It seems too risky for him and explains: “Money does not make emotional investments or invest in emotional beings. The risk is too high. For you today there is no deal no money for a war between the old and new gods “. So, money cannot be and is not the biggest story.

The biggest story of humanity is the ever-recurring succession of money, power, warfare and has been for millennia. Without trying to conspiracy theories can be read in the history books. In ancient Egypt only the rich pharaohs came to power and waged wars. The same in the West with the Romans and in the East the Chinese dynasties. Yes, these are the big stories.

As different as these three beings may be. They have a lot in common. It takes people to some beliefs to make connecting emotions and for produce artifacts.

Money was born when the traders no longer exchanged goods for goods, but instead used substitute items that could have been shells. It took time to gain confidence in this medium. In the end, money became an icon. Often with the sovereign on the coin. The old ‘American gods worship the US dollar and the new gods the cryptocurrency. The medium has changed. Icon, trust and dealer remain the same. So, who owns much of this medium can buy more than the necessities of life and thus comes to power.

Powerful is someone, if he can enforce his own will in the other, even without his consent. This creates the most important factor of power – fear. To stay in power requires reliable information about your own allegiance. Right there, after the death of Argus, Mr. World has a problem: “Wars are won with information, and I’m blind”.

The power of love and life brings the African goddess of love Bilquis to the people. In funeral home “Ibis & Jacquel” she meets a grieving young woman whose mother died. She consoles herself and firmly believes in Jesus who will save their soul. Bilquis: “He did not die for your sins, but because he angered powerful men. He was never satisfied; he was a rebel and a troublemaker. He did not want to be intimidated or controlled. There was a power. He had a plan“.

And what power has emerged! Christianity, the largest world religion with a steadily growing membership. The church as an institution but was weakened again and again. In the split in Roman and Orthodox (Rome, Constantinople) and in the division of Catholic and Protestant. Thus, Christianity has several different centers of power. Power needs a center. In the past, these were locations. Berlin has ordered, Beijing wishes, New York plans, the Union demands (Czernobog), etc. This gravitation shifts visibly with the new gods in the virtual (New Media).

In addition to money and power, war requires enemies that can be hated. This is now the challenge of the two leaders, Mr. Wednesday and Mr. World, to create such a mood among their followers. Mr. World: “You are not extinct but already dead”. Mr. Wednesday: “I’ll win the war, people like me better than you.” And “I’d rather be feared,” argues World.

The two future generals still have a lot to prepare. Mr. World: “I‘ve retired a god today.” He refers to the TechBoy who refused too long to introduce the neural networks. World needs Artificial Intelligence for warfare. There is less technology needed than mathematics.

First of all, Mr. Wednesday has to get his own comrades in line. Especially the African gods do not know what they want. Mr. Ibis: “Sooner or later they will all be in front of me. War does not have to be the solution“: In Africa, too much blood has flowed since colonization. The Africans are tired of it. They want to finally participate in the prosperity of humanity. Ethiopia and Nigeria are already on their way!

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